Tailored Ergonomics Solutions To Keep You Safe and Comfortable
Ergonomics Evaluations
We conduct all types of ergonomics evaluations—from simple check-ins to thorough assessments. Our customized ergonomics solutions prioritize comfort, health, and safety while enhancing productivity and well-being.
Inclusive Design
Inclusive design optimizes usability and comfort. We specialize in inclusive design for home, work, research, and educational environments. We cater to a full range of sizes, abilities, and ages. This ensures inclusivity and functionality for all individuals.
In-Person and Virtual Consultations
Equipment Recommendations
Design Reviews
Creating or renovating a space in your home or workplace? Design plan reviews help make sure these spaces work for you. We work with all types of projects, from home offices to new hospital buildings. We use our expertise in Ergonomics, Universal Design, and Design for All Ages to create design, equipment, and furniture solutions and standards, many of which are used throughout California.
Training and Workshops
Discover and practice tips and strategies for working safely in a group learning environment. In-person and virtual training sessions and workshops target the needs of small, medium, and large groups. These interactive and informative sessions are available on a variety of ergonomics and inclusive design topics. Include optional individual evaluations or quick ergonomics check-ins for even greater impact.
Aging and Home Modifications
90 percent of adults over the age of 65 want to remain in their homes as they get older. Setting up a home assessment can help you make plans to make it easier to “age in place” in your own home and improve its comfort, safety, and visitability. Understand what types of home modifications will make it easier and safer to live in all areas of your home, whether aging in place or aging while on the go.
Transform Your Space Today
Contact us for expert ergonomics and inclusive design evaluations to create more comfortable living and working environments.